Consultancy Services

Consultancy services

We provide consultancy work in emergency planning and response including:

An initial readiness assessment and capability gap assessment

ACDM will grader information and collect data to identify if emergency services, public and privates institutions have put in place , plans, procedures , systems and other measures to ensure that it has the capability to cope during major incident. A need assessment should give a clear picture of the organisation stands, what gaps to fill and how to seemingly achieve their goals.

Full Documentation set

ACDM will draft and develop documentations including, civil protection act (only for States), emergency plans, procedures, and policies etc…. Also,this exercise involves a peer review of existing plans and the development of new plans fit for purpose.

Emergency Control Centre Capacity Building

 Through its different network ACDM proposes a construction and refurbishment of a fully functional emergency control centre. In addition, ACDM will develop a strategic emergency  control Centre  framework based on needs and adapted on reality on ground.

Post Disaster Needs Assesment

These assessments will be carried out in the aftermath of major incident such earthquakes, cyclones, floods, droughts etc..  and should form the basis for governments and other stakeholders to develop recovery plans and allocate required resources.

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